Division and Section IntroductionsΒΆ
Study Bibles often include additional explanatory text at the beginning of divisions or sections within the scripture text. The following USFM marker and content sequence can be added to the text:
An optional parallel reference or scope markers (\mr, \sr, \r)
One or more introduction paragraph markers (\ip)
In some cases the base translation text does NOT already contain a division or section heading. In these cases the major section or section markers should be added to the text. In other cases the base translation text already includes a division or section heading. In these cases the content of the headings can be edited or replaced, if necessary, and introduction paragraph marker(s) added below.
Text and Formatting Samples
Division and Section Introduction Additions - Mark 1.14 (GNSB)
\v 12 At once the Spirit made him go into the desert, \v 13 where he stayed 40 days, being
tempted by Satan. Wild animals were there also, but angels came and helped him.
\ms Jesus' Public Ministry in Galilee
\mr 1.14--9.50
\ip Jesus returns to Galilee and does not go back to Judea until the close of his public
ministry. There is no indication of how long his Galilean ministry lasted: only when he is
back in Judea is a \w festival\w* (\w passover\w*) mentioned (14.1). He spends much of his
time in Capernaum (1.21; 2.1; 3.1, 20; 9.33) and other places around Lake Galilee (1.9; 2.13;
3.7; 4.1). Twice Jesus ventures out of Galilee: into the region of the Ten Towns (5.1-20) and
Phoenicia (7.24-31). His actions and teachings soon arouse opposition from the religious
leaders (2.6-7, 24; 3.6, 22; 7.1-13; 8.11-12), and before long he predicts his coming arrest,
condemnation, and crucifixion (8.31; 9.30-31).
\s1 Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
\r (Mt 4.12-22; Lk 4.14-15; 5.1-11)
\ip Jesus' message is about the arrival of the \w kingdom of god\w*, which will happen soon.
To prepare for it, the people need to repent (1.15). He immediately summons two pairs of
fishermen brothers to be his followers and helpers.
\v 14 After John had been put in prison, Jesus went to Galilee and preached the Good News
from God.