Cross References¶
Cross Reference Container
Cross references are entered inline within the main scripture body text. The boundaries of the cross reference text are defined by an opening and closing marker. The individual elements which make up the cross reference content are described under the heading Cross Reference Content Elements below.
\x …\x*¶
- Syntax
\x_+_(\xo_REF_)cross reference content\x*
- Type
- Added
- Use
Beginning and ending of the cross reference element.
The cross reference caller, which may be one of the following three types:
+ – indicates that the caller should be generated automatically by the translation editor, or publishing tools.
- – indicates that no caller should be generated, and is not used.
? – where ? represents the character to be used for the caller. The caller is defined for the specific cross reference by the author.
cross reference content (see below)
Important: See Syntax Notes for addition information on the use of endmarkers for elements within cross reference content.
Cross Reference Content Elements¶
The following markup can be included as part of the cross reference content:
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
Cross reference origin reference.
This is the chapter and verse(s) that target reference(s) are being provided for.
indicates where the appropriate chapter/verse separator should be used (i.e. colon “:”, full stop “.” etc.)
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
A keyword from the scripture translation text which the target reference(s) also refer to.
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
A quotation from the scripture text.
Use of a quotation would be intended to help the reader to understand the portion of text (or concept) for which the target reference(s) are being supplied.
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
Target reference(s).
A list of scripture references, commonly provided as book name abbreviations plus chapter and verse, or range of verses. The punctuation used between chapter and verse, reference ranges, and between target references can differ significantly across texts.
\xot …\xot*¶
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
References (or other text) between these markers is material to be included only in published editions that contain the Old Testament books. (optional)
\xnt …\xnt*¶
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
References (or other text) between these markers is material to be included only in published editions that contain the New Testament books. (optional)
\xdc …\xdc*¶
- Syntax
- Type
character (note)
- Added
- Use
References (or other text) between these markers is material to be included only in published editions that contain the Deuterocanonical books. (optional)
\rq …\rq*¶
- Syntax
\rq ...\rq*
- Type
- Added
- Use
Inline quotation reference(s).
See details and examples in Titles, Heading, and Labels
Text and Formatting Samples
Typical Cross Reference - Matthew 2.23 (GNT)
\v 22 But when Joseph heard that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as king of
Judea, he was afraid to go there. He was given more instructions in a dream, so he went
to the province of Galilee
\v 23 \x - \xo 2.23: \xt Mrk 1.24; Luk 2.39; Jhn 1.45.\x* and made his home in a town
named Nazareth. And so what the prophets had said came true: “He will be called a

Multiple Origin Parts - Mark 10.19 (GNT)
\v 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “No one is good except God alone.
\v 19 \x - \xo 10.19: a \xt Exo 20.13; Deu 5.17; \xo b \xt Exo 20.14; Deu 5.18; \xo c
\xt Exo 20.15; Deu 5.19; \xo d \xt Exo 20.16; Deu 5.20; \xo e \xt Exo 20.12; Deu 5.16.\x*
You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal;
do not accuse anyone falsely; do not cheat; respect your father and your mother.’”

Deuterocanonical Content - 1 Corinthians 15.51-52 (GNT)
\v 51-52 \x - \xo 15.51,52: \xdc 2Es 6.23; \xt 1Th 4.15-17.\x* Listen to this secret
truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed
in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the
dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed.
Genesis 1.26 (GNT)
\v 26 \x - \xo 1.26: \xt \xdc Wis 2.23; Sir 17.3,4;\xdc* 1Co 11.7.\x* Then God said,
"And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us.