.. USX documentation master file .. include:: /_static/inc_styles.txt .. index:: USX, documentation; table of contents ***************** USX Documentation ***************** .. topic:: Welcome This is the reference documentation for Unified Scripture XML (USX). |br| |br| USX is an XML format used for encoding the digital text for scripture translations. USX follows the `standard syntax `_ for XML documents. The :doc:`structure `, :doc:`elements `, and :doc:`attributes ` are derived significantly from the close association USX has with `USFM `_ (Unified Standard Format Markers), an older alternative markup scheme for scripture still in widespread use. The largest collection of USX encoded scripture is currently found within the `Digital Bible Library `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 About USX Document Structure Elements Attributes @style Types @style Types @style Types Types Linking Peripherals Vocabularies Schemas |ico_See| *See also* the documentation :ref:`Index ` page.